Must check:- Best Online Websites To Learn Programming
Best Typing Websites to increase Typing Speed.
1. Goodtyping.com
Goodtyping.com is the best online typing website to learn and increase typing speed. After opening website we have to create an account to start the course. The account sign up is free. This website offer typing course in different languages like English, Spanish, French, German, Italian etc. It offer you the 27 different typing lesson start from beginning to end. It also offer you 23 different keyboard styles. After attending the course you will feel incredible change i your typing skills.
2. 10-Fast-fingers.com
After learning typing on Goodtyping.com, you should try 10-Fast-Fingers.com for more fingers placement. It focus on finger placement rather than typing. This websites also offer you various typing games, typing competition and typing tests to increase your typing skills with fun and practice combination. Unlike Goodtyping.com you do not need to create an account on this website. This site allow you to compete with your friends.
3. Typing.com
Another best typing website is typing.com to learn online typing. This website provide the user with typing tutorials, typing games and free official typing certificate. This website provides you with reviews in your problematic keys and also create graph of your performance. For certificate we have to apply for typing certification and this site provide you with beginners to high level courses.
4. Typeracer.com
Typeracer.com is another popular online typing website which is specially for intermediate typing speed persons. You have to create an account before starting and then start learning. This websites compare your typing speed with others so you will compete your friends. It also provide the list of top person have fast typing speed. It provide option for practice and also for enter a race with your friends and with others.
5. Typeonline.co.uk
Typeonline.co.uk is another websites which improve your typing a lot. It offer you the numerical courses along with letters who need more numerical typing. It provide typing lessons from low level to high level. It also provide the typing test, practice option and notice your typing speed.
So these are best online websites to increase typing skills online. If you have any of the websites online for improving typing speed please share it with us.